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Total results: 4010
Museum No. Place of issue Type and content Archive
BM 30994 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30639 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30233 Babylon city Indeterminate legal texts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31216 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31097 Bīt-Bēltu Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 32344 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
O 509 Til-Gula Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 41420 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30578 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
Pitt-river-Museum (Oxford) 52 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 41401 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30517 Til-Gula Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31206 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 33931 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31395 Broken Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30534 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
Mnb 1826 Broken Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
DT 519 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31150 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30576 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 32903 Kabbartu Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30414 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30293 Šušan Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30891 Dūru-ša-karrabbi Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31231 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30491 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 33148 Ālu-ša-Bēl-ittannu Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31903 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 41418 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31002 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
MMA 79.7.35 Borsippa city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 40547 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 32920 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31509 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31255 Šaḫrīn Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31056 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30832 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30657 No place Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30773 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31409 Broken Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 32859 Šaḫrīn Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31433 Babylon city Indeterminate legal texts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30787 Babylon city Hiring Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 33936 Šušan Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31951 Šaḫrīn Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 31416 No place Letters Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30980 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30629 Kiš City Summonses/Oaths/Injunctions Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
Abraham 2004 001 Babylon city Receipts Egibi/Nūr-Sîn
BM 30372 Babylon city Promissory notes ina muẖẖi Egibi/Nūr-Sîn

Page total: 50