Tablet BM 40547

NaBuCCo ID 182
Museum No. BM 40547
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Weszeli and Baker, WZKM 87 4
Paraphrase Receipt for a donkey.
A receives (mahāru) one white donkey from B. This donkey, which has the cuneiform sign LÚ engraved on his neck (tikku) and ṭu-ru (uncl.) (ūru), belongs to the sons of A and it is at C’s disposal. The recipient has not received payment for the middu (maybe the word mindu, “measured amount (of barley)”, is intended here) or any other impost (mimmu gabbu) from the giver. Should C raise claims against B (itti dabābu), the owner will credit this donkey to C and will give B proof of it  (itti PN ušuzzu-nadānu). Names of 6 witnesses and the scribe: Puršû/Arad-Gula/Ēṭiru.
A = Bēl-uballiṭ/Nabû-ittannu//Ēṭiru; B = Bēl-ittannu/Nergal-kāṣir//Saggilāya; C = Ahhēšāya/Nidintu-Bēl
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-XII-dd