Tablet NCBT 00864

NaBuCCo ID 3116
Museum No. NCBT 00864
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps YOS 21 208

Land sub-lease of land belong the temple on a sharecropping basis.

A, the rent farmer (ša muhhi sūti) of the Eanna temple gives to B a plot of  newly reclaimed land (mayyāru), property (makkūru) of the Lady-of-Uruk and Nanāya that is part of A’s rent farm (sūtu), for cultivation on a sharecropping basis (errēšūtu).

The land is located in (beginning broken): [...] to the east of […], next to the land of the Yašuteans (wr. lúiá-šu-tu-ú-a) until the drainage ditch (makallû) of the I/Ubuleans (wr. lúi-bu-la-a-a) in the city Ubul. He will perform (epēšu) the work (dullu) there and work up (dekû) the land with the mayyāru-plough.

For as much land as B cultivates there, he will give ⅓ of the harvest for the land irrigated by buckets (bīt dālu), and ½ for the land with readily available water (bīt mê qātē); this is the share (zittu) of the Eanna temple.

Each took (a copy of) the document.

Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe.

A= Gimillu/Innin-šumu-ibni, the rent farmer (ša muhhi sūti) of the Lady-of-Uruk; B= Iddin-Nergal/Nergal-dān.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 01-V-30