Tablet NBC 04889

NaBuCCo ID 3117
Museum No. NBC 04889
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Land sub-lease for tending the date palms in an orchard belonging to the temple

A gives to (the two brothers) B1 and B1 land (zēru) situated on the Nāru-eššu, property (makkūru) of the Lady-of-Uruk and Nanāya, for the purpose of orchard-tending (nukaribbūtu). It is the bīt ritti-land of C, which is next to (the plot of) D, and part of the rent farm (sūtu) of A.

They will perform (epēšu) the work (dullu) and show (kullumu) it to Ardia, supply water (mê ṣabātu Š) to the irrigation canals (nāru) and protect (naṣāru) the fronds (libbu) and shoots (haruttu).

For the (digging) work below the date palms, A will give B1+2 5 kor of dates per (surface) kor worked with iron spades, 4 kor of dates per (surface) kor worked with a plough, as the gardener remuneration (sissinnu). The gardener remuneration for 2 Camb (i.e. the current year) is paid (eṭēru, Stat.).

Each took (a copy of) the document.

Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe.

A= Ardia/Nabû-bān-ahi//Rēmūt-Ea; B1= Ahu-yālid/Šūzubu, brother of Zababa-šarru-uṣur (= B2); B2= Zababa-šarru-uṣur/Šūzubu, brother of Ahu-yālid (= B1); C= Bēl-ahhē-erība; D= Ahu-lūmur/Ilī-taklak

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 02-VI-2