Tablet BM 92797

NaBuCCo ID 1771
Museum No. BM 92797
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period Each
Year BCE 501
Editio princeps Baker 2004 179
Paraphrase Purchase of slave: B sells C, whose hand is inscribed with the name of B’s wife (fTubqītu), to A for 1 1/3 mina of cut silver of 1/8 alloy. In case of a claim on C, B is to clear him and give him to A. B has received full payment. 12 witnesses, 1 ina ašābi-witness, the wife of B (fTubqītu/Bēl-lūmur//Adad-šēˀā), and the scribe (Bēl-ittannu/Bazūzu).
A = Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāhu; B = Šumu-iddin/Šulāya//Šangû-Gula; C = Itti-Bēl-gūzu (slave of B)
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-XII-dd