Tablet BM 32873

NaBuCCo ID 9
Museum No. BM 32873
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Exchange
Period Each
Year BCE 495
Editio princeps Abraham 2004 067
Paraphrase Exchange? of boats.
The document opens by referring to two boats: a boat with a width of 6 cubīts at its beam (šaburru), which has run aground? (ṭu-bu-ú [ṭabû D]) at the bank (nabalkattu), and a boat with a width of 6 1/2 cubīts at its beam, which is part of a (pontoon-) bridge (gišru). It continues by referring to a third boat, as follows: - which/of -, one boat (ša ištēt eleppu) with a width of 5 cubīts at its beam, which belongs to A. The document then states: with each "other have exchang (itti ahāmeš šupēlû)", thus referring to the exchange of the first two boats with the third one, although it is not entirely clear who is meant by "they" (probably A and B). The document concludes by stating that B assumes warranty for the uškûtu of the run aground? boat and the boat of the (pontoon)-bridge. Names of 5 witnesses. The scribe is Širku/Iddinaya//Egibi (=Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi).

A=Kāṣiru/Ipria//Marduk-abušu; B=Bēl-upahhir/Bāba-ēreš//Mudammiq-Adad
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-XII-dd