Tablet IM 57169

NaBuCCo ID 694
Museum No. IM 57169
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps UET 4 201
Paraphrase Fragmentary document concerning the settlement of a dispute involving money: A dispute involving the parties A and B1 and B2 about slaves (amīlūtu) and an amount of 1 mina and 1/3 shekels of siver is settled in the assembly (puhru) of the mār bānê. The document is sealed in the presence of the prefect (šaknu) of the king (Ṣalam-šarri-iqbi), the prefect of the slaves(?) ([…]-ili) and priest (šangû) of Sîn ([…]-mušebši. Broken witness list.
A = Ahu-kiru-ibni; B1 = Sîn-ēṭir; B2 = Gabbi-ilāni-šarru-uṣur
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy---dd