Tablet Ash. 1924.1260

NaBuCCo ID 695
Museum No. Ash. 1924.1260
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Loan ina pani
Period ENB
Year BCE 647
Editio princeps OECT 10 9
Paraphrase Loan silver: 8 shekels of silver, purchase price (šīmu) of dates, belonging to A are at the disposal (ina pāni) of B. B will pay half of the debt in silver and the other half in dates. 4 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Bēl-ahhē-erība//Atkuppu; B = Ṣillāya//Saggilāya; Scribe = Nabû-ahhē-bulliṭ//Bēl-eṭēru
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Asb. yy-IV-dd