Tablet Private (CUSAS 28)

NaBuCCo ID 3995
Museum No. Private (CUSAS 28)
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Each
Year BCE 510
Editio princeps CUSAS 28 023

Promissory note for barley.

The document starts by stating that B owes a broken amount of barley to six persons (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) and continues by stipulating the terms for repayment. It is agreed that he will deliver the barley at the granary (maškattu) in Adabilu during the harvest season (3rd month). The document is written on the 8th of the 1st month, about two months before the delivery date. The barley is the harvest (ebūru) from a field (eqlu) that belongs to a group of šušānȗs (šušānû); the field and collection of its harvest were managed by (ša qātē) C. The amount includes (adi) the share (zittu) that originates from Bīt-Zammuku, but excludes (elat) the barley from the tax-unit (kiṣru) of D and E that B owes to A1. Names of 5 witnesses and the scribe: Marduk-šumu-līšir/Nabû-mukīn-zēri.

A1 = Ahīqam/Rapā-Yāw; A2 = Qīl-Yāw/Šikin-Yāw; A3 = Qada-Yāw/Buluqaya; A4 = Azrīqam/Ḫanūn-Yāw; A5 = Maltēma/Zakar- Yāw; A6 = Yamušu/Ḫarīm; B = Zumbaya/Amidȗ; C = (name broken),  the overseer of the workmen at the riverbank (rab ṣābū kisad nāri); D = Bēl-nā'id (without affiliation); E = Riḫētu (without affiliation).                       

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. 12-I-08