Tablet Private (CUSAS 28)

NaBuCCo ID 3977
Museum No. Private (CUSAS 28)
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period -
Year BCE 561
Editio princeps CUSAS 28 006

Receipt for partial repayment on a loan of silver. Clarification about the exact amount of loaned silver.

The document starts by stating that there exists a debt note (u’iltu) according to which A lent 15 shekels of silver to B. However, in reality, A never gave the full sum but only 12 1/3 shekels to B. The present document first settles the exact amount of loaned silver (namely 12 1/3 shekels). It then records the repayment of part of this sum by the debtor to the creditor in the following words: A receives (maḫir) [x] shekels out of  (ina libbi) the 12 1/3 shekels of (indebted) silver from B. Another repayment of this loan may be recorded in CUSAS 28 13. Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe:Bēl-nādin-apli//Ṣillaya.

A = Šamaš-iddin/Kīnaya; B = Rapā-Yāw/Samak-Yāw

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): AM. 01-III-05