Tablet BM 55950

NaBuCCo ID 3894
Museum No. BM 55950
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Legal - Other
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps CT 55 72

Transaction regarding the temple and a private individual regarding the obligations of several bird catchers. Dialogue document


A asks (qabû) B1, the royal resident (qīpu) of Ebabbar and B2, the chief priest (šangû) of Sippar to give him (nadānu, bīnamma) 5 fowlers (usandû): C1, C2, C3, C4, and C5. In return, he will provide the temple yearly with the 70 [geese] and 525 turtledoves (sukkannīnu) for the daily offerings (sattukku) that the fowlers had to pay as part of (ina) their iškaru-obligation of Šamaš.

B1 and B2 agree (šemû, lit. listen) and so Lābâši is now responsible (ana muhhi dagālu) for the fowlers’ iškaru-obligation (and they will work for him).

Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe.

Date damaged.

A= Lābâši/Šamaš-dayyān; B1= Bēl-ahhē-iqīša, royal resident (qīpu) of Ebabbar; B2= Marduk-šumu-iddin, chief priest (šangû) of Sippar; C1= Budīya, fowler (usandû); C2= Arad-Bunene, fowler (usandû); C3= Šamaš-iddin, fowler (usandû); C4= Arad-Gula, fowler (usandû); C5= Nabû-lusallimu, fowler (usandû)


Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd