NaBuCCo ID 3887
Museum No. 1632
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Sack 1994 (Documents) 18

Settlement of the account of a single blacksmith. Dated. 

The tablet lays out the iron account of A, a known blacksmith, from year 16 until Kislīm (IX) of year 17 Nbk.

From (ina) the x minas of iron which were given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to A, the Eanna temple received (mahāru, Stat.) 3078 shekels (≈ 25.5 kg) as processed (gamru) iron and 875 shekels (≈ 7.2 kg) remains (sâtu)*; a total of 1 talent 2 minas 53 shekels (≈ 31.3 kg) … (broken) is what remains (rēhu)**. 6 minas 9 shekels iron are (still) at his disposal (ina pāni). Finally, A was paid 12½ shekels (≈ 103.75 g) silver (eṭētu) as his wages (idu). The account (nikkassu) with A is settled (epēšu, Stat.).

* for the uncl. use of sâtu see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 53.

** the difference between sâtu and rēhu here is uncl.


A= Ina-qibīt-Bēl-limmir, a known blacksmith, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 308


mith. Dated.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 17-IX-27