Tablet NBC 01192

NaBuCCo ID 3886
Museum No. NBC 01192
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps BIN 1 176

List of shorn livestock and balance of the wool for multiple herdsmen. Dated: 

The tablet was written on the 21st of Abu (V), 31 Nbk and coincided with the time of shearing of the herd as specified in the body of the text. It lists in a tabulated form the number of shorn sheep and goats for two herdsmen (obverse), and their balance in wool (reverse).

Heading obverse: sheep and goats ([ṣēnu]) shorn in Eanna on the 21st of Abu (V), 31 Nbk.

Shorn livestock of A: sheep: 6 rams (puhālu), 215 ewes (lahru), 1 male lamb (kalūmu), 10 female lambs (parratu), 232 total whites (peṣûtu). goats: ø he-goats (urīṣu), 3 she-goats (enzu), ø young he-goats (gadû), *total (napharu) 3; *Grand total ( 235 of A.

Shorn livestock of B: sheep: 8 rams (puhālu), 117 ewes (lahru), 5 male lambs (kalūmu), 14 female lambs (parratu), 144 total whites (peṣûtu). goats: ø he-goats (urīṣu), 1 she-goats (enzu), ø young he-goats (gadû), *total (n­­­apharu)1; *Grand total ( 145 of B.

The last three entries (total of goats, grand total, and the herdsman’s name) do not conform with their headings; the total of goats is given in a column headed as “young she-goats” (unīqu) [usually under the header “total blacks”], the grand total is under the header “total blacks” (ṣalmūtu), and the name of the herdsman is under the header “grand total, property (makkūru) [of the Lady-of-Uruk], rams, male lambs, […].

Wool assessment on the reverse:                                                               

Wool assessment for A: 1st column capital amount (rēšu) of wool (šipātu): 5 talent 34½ mina, 2nd column (actual) weighted (hâṭu) wool: 3 talent, 3rd column wool remainder (rēhu): 2 talent 34½ mina.

Wool assessment for B: 1st column capital amount (rēšu) of wool (šipātu): 3 talent 31½ mina, 2nd column (actual) waited (hâṭu) wool: 2 talent 20 mina, 3rd column wool remainder (rēhu): 1 talent 11½ mina.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 31-V-21