Basic Metadata

Museum No.
YBC 06934
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Uruk city
Type and Content
Eanna temple
Year BCE
Editio princeps



A sale contract for the sale of two slave boys in lieu of unpaid balance.

The tablet records the sale of two slave (lamutānu) boys against unpaid balance (rēhu) of silver. Although the text is phrased as a sale contract, the “sellers” were not paid, rather they covered their debt to the temple in the form of the slaves.

A1 and A2, of their own free will (ina hūd libbi), sale (ana kaspi nadānu) the five-year old boy B1 and the four-year old boy B2, worth (ana) 2½ mina of silver, to the Eanna (lit. to the property, makkūru, of the Eanna). This would cover their (unpaid) balance of wool (šipātu), goat-hair (šartu), and sheep and goats (ṣēnu) of 4 years, which is comprised of (ina libbi) the following:

43⅛ shekel of silver for 2 talents 7½ mina of wool, 1⅛ shekel for 11⅓ mina of goat hair; and 1 mina and 19 shekels for 79 sheep and goats; a total (napharu) of 123¼ shekels of silver is the price (šīmu) of the sheep and goats, wool, and goat hair. Additionally, they have outstanding balance of 275⁄6 shekel of silver for 1 talent 24 mina of wool, from years 1–3.

A1 and A2 guarantee (pūtu našû) against (suits brought by) a person acting unlawfully (sēhû) or a person having claims (pāqirānu) in respect to (ina muhhi) B1 and B2. Each is responsible for the other (ištēn pūtu šanû našû).

The tablet is drafted in the presence (ina ušuzzu) of: C1, the temple administrator (šatammu) and C2, the royal supervisor of the Eanna (bēl piqitti ša Eanna).Witnesses (mukinnu): D1, D2, D3, D4 the courtier (ša rēš šarri), and D5 the alphabet scribe (sepīru) appointed (paqādu, Stat.) in Eanna. Scribes (ṭupšarru): E1, E2, and E3.


A1= Nabû-mukīn-apli/Ahī-yālidu; A2= Bēl-šarru-uṣur/Ahī-yālidu; B1= Kī-Šamaš; B2= Ištar-ahu-iddin; C1= Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Nādin//Dābibī, temple administrator (šatammu); C2= Nabû-ahu-iddin, royal supervisor of the Eanna (bēl piqitti ša Eanna); D1= Arad-Marduk/Zēria//Egibi; D2= Sîn-Ēreš/Nabû-šumu-līšir//Ibni-ili; D3= Nabû-aplu-iddin/Bēl-uballiṭ//Ša-ṭābṭišu; D4= Bēl-eṭēri-Nabû, courtier (ša rēš šarri); D5= Amurru-šarru-uṣur, the alphabet scribe (sepīru) appointed (paqādu, Stat.) in the Eanna; E1= Nādin//Egibi, scribe (ṭupšarru); E2= Arad-Marduk//Bēl-aplu-uṣur, scribe (ṭupšarru); E3= Marduk-nāṣir//Šigūa, scribe (ṭupšarru)

Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
Cam. 04-IV-22

further information

Imported (Person, Date)
Yuval Levavi, Kathleen Abraham (08/09/2023)
Legacy NaBuCCo ID