Tablet BM 00000

NaBuCCo ID 3879
Museum No. BM 00000
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Legal - Other
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Cyr. 281

Guarantee for the release of an imprisoned temple-serf.

B, the chief priest (šangû) of Sippar handcuffed (semuru nadû) A, the temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš, in the storehouses (bīt karê).

Now, C, the temple-serf of Šamaš, guarantees (pūtu našû) for A before (ina qātē) B in (ina) the assembly (puhru) of the temple enterers (ērib bīti) of Šamaš, the scribes (ṭupšarru), and the city elders (šību), and he (= B) releases (|paṭāru) A from his fetters.

If A will go (alāku) somewhere else, C will have to carry out his work (dullu epēšu), on top of  (ana muhhi) his own work.

Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe.


A= Bēl-ēṭer-Šamaš, temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš; B= Marduk-šumu-iddin, chief priest (šangû) of Sippar; C= Šamaš-dīni-ēpuš, temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 07-XII-03