Tablet W 18210,11

NaBuCCo ID 3853
Museum No. W 18210,11
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period NB
Year BCE 572

Debt novation.

The tablet records the transfer of a debt amounting to [x] minas and 20 shekels of silver, what remains (rēhtu, wr. ina re-hi) (to be paid) for sheep and goats (ṣēnu) and wool, property (makkuru) of the Lady of Uruk and Nanāya, originally charged against (ina muhhi) A. This tablet acknowledges that such debt is (from now on) charged against B1 and B2: they will give the silver in a given month, which is lost in a lacuna. Their entire property is the pledge (maškanu) for the Lady of Uruk, until they will hand over the silver to the temple. They guarantee for each other. Names of 4 witnesses and the scribe: Nabû-bēlšunu.

A = broken name/Nabû-zēru-ukīn; B1 = Marduk-ēṭir/Arad-…//Nabû-zēru-ukīn; B2 = broken name/Marduk

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 33-VI-22+x