Tablet W 18206,3+W 18210,75

NaBuCCo ID 3817
Museum No. W 18206,3+W 18210,75
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period -
Year BCE None

List of barley disbursements (for rations?) to multiple recipients (workmen).

Large tablet in a fragmentary status. The text is organised in 3 columns (without gridlines and without headings): first there is the amount of distributed barley (i), then the name of the recipient (ii) followed by his affiliation (iii). Men are divided in at least 8 groups, counting 10 or 11 workers. At the end of each group one finds the formula “in total, n barley (for) n workmen (ṣābu), (distributed in) 10 days (to the workmen for which) PN is responsible (ša PN)” followed by a horizontal line. The name of the person in charge of each group, mentioned in this closing formula, always corresponds to the first person of each list.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd