Tablet W 18216,21

NaBuCCo ID 3816
Museum No. W 18216,21
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE 601

List of barley disbursements for rations to multiple recipients (temple personnel). Fragmentary. Border case between a record of transfer and an inventory. Dated.

The tablet registers the bread (akālu) received (mahāru, wr. im-[hu-ru-u’]?) by temple oblates (širku), performing their tasks (ēpiš dulli, wr. e-piš du[l-lu] in the Eanna. It concerns their food rations (kurummatu) for Addar (XII). After the heading “his name” follows the date on which the distribution took place, 26th Addar, 3rd regnal year of Nebuchadnezzar. Then, a horizontal line indicates the beginning of a detailed list, in which the text is organized in 3 columns without grid lines. First, there is the amount of the distributed good: except for the first instance (A), which is without measure, in all the other instances the amount corresponds to 0;2 kor (c. 72 l). Then, there is the name of the recipient followed by his affiliation. In 2 instances it is made explicit that the temple oblate is an Egyptian (miṣrāyyu). The rest of the obverse, which must have contained the total of a first group of temple oblates, is lost. On the reverse of the tablet, a similar list was recorded, followed by a new total: 10 temple oblates, whose responsible is identified as B (ša ~), “decury of B-…”. A few lines written on the tablet’s left edge record two more disbursements of each 0;1 kor (c. 36 l) for the month Ayyār (II), taken from (ina libbi) C’s share, the oblates’ foreman (rab širki), for(?) respectively D1,and D2.

A= Šulāya/Nabû-zēru-iqīša; B= Nanāya-….; C= Šulāya (= A?), foreman of the oblates (rab širki); D1= Ana-Nabû-taklāk; D2= Šamaš-iddin, leatherworker (aškāpu).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 03-XII-26