Tablet W 18214,2

NaBuCCo ID 3815
Museum No. W 18214,2
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None

List of shares in the offerings allotted to prebendaries. Very fragmentary.

The first lines of the tablet are lost; then, after 3 fragmentary lines in which only a few words can be read, the list starts with the temple enterers’ (ērib bīti) share: 1[+x] thigh (pēmu) and 1 fresh hide (šihṭu) […], and the hides (ṣēlu) and breasts (irtu) of 8 sheep. LINE. 3 shoulders (imittu) to A. LINE. 3(+x?) thighs, 1 fresh hide (šihṭu) and another hide (šihṭu, wr. UZUši-ih-ṭu), 1 portion of mutton to B, the governor (šākin ṭēmi). LINE. Some broken cuts of meat, 1 fresh hide (šihṭu), 1 backside, 1 portion of mutton to C. LINE. Per month: each day, for 20 days, the hide of a sheep for Aškā’ītu to D. LINE. For a third of a day, the hide of 1 sheep for a god whose name is lost to E. LINE. On the 4th day: 1 thigh (pēmu) for Uṣur-amassu to F. LINE. For 2 days: 1 thigh (pēmu) for Uṣur-amassu(?) to G. LINE. For 2 days: 1 thigh (pēmu) […]. LINE. King’s offerings (niqû): 15 […]. Rest broken off. Some more lines of writing can be found on the left edge of the tablet, but only the words for “clothing ceremony” (lubuštu) and “their hides” can be identified. Rest broken off. Probably dated in Npl or Nbk.

A = Zēria/Balāṭu; B = Iqīša, governor (šākin ṭēmi); C = Nergal-ašarēdu; D = Nabû-nadin-…; E = Marduk-ēṭir/Bēl-šumu-iškun; F = broken name/Nabû-…; G = Marduk-…

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. yy-mm-dd