Tablet W 18207,16

NaBuCCo ID 3814
Museum No. W 18207,16
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Indeterminate administrative text
Period -
Year BCE None

Fragment of a tablet related to prebends.

The tablet is written only on the obverse and the entire left side is lost. The first line of the text contained a date (day, month and year), too broken to be reconstructed, in which the recorded transaction took place. After a horizontal line, the document refers to 7;1.4 kor (c. 1140 l) of barley due to (pānu wr. IGI, lit. “in front of”) Bēltu of Uruk and (possibly) another deity whose name is lost. This amount corresponds to 4 months and 7 ½ days of prebendary duty, for which A1 and A2 are responsible. A1 has […] (verb lost, perhaps “received”) 23 minas and 20 shekels of wool, for 7 (of these 7½?) days. After another horizontal line, the text continues mentioning 16 minas and 20 shekels of wool, but the tablet is too damaged to allow any reconstruction. Rest broken off. Tentatively, the text keeps track of payments of prebendary income to holders of prebends in the Eanna temple.

A1 = Arad-Nabû; A2 = Innin-…

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd