Tablet W 18215,18

NaBuCCo ID 3725
Museum No. W 18215,18
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple transactions
Period -
Year BCE None

Multiple transactions of the same type: distribution of leftovers to prebendholders. Very fragmentary.

[0];3?.5 kor (c. 138 l.), leftovers (rēhtu) from the days of the prebend of the brewers (sirāšūtu) and of the bakers (nuhatimmūtu), “of” (ša, i.e. “due to”?) A and his workers (ṣābu). [0;0].2 (c. 12 l), leftovers (rēhtu) from Nisan (I) (that are) outstanding (ina ṣēri). [0;0].2 (c. 12 l), “of” (ša, i.e. “due to”?) B and his workers (ṣābu), leftovers (rēhtu) from Nisan (I) to the end of Ulūl (VI). 20[+x];4.2 kor (c. 3756l), “of” (ša, i.e. “due to”?) C, the …, by order of (ina qībi) the royal commissioner (qīpu). In the following fragmentary passage only one amount (14;2 kor, c. 2592 l) is extant; the rest of the obverse is broken off. On the reverse, the text continues with a simple list containing more amounts referring to an unspecified good and individuals who are sometimes (but not always) identified by their affiliation.

Despite the absence of any specific reference to the type of distribution, Gehlken (AUWE 5, p. 75) identifies this text as a record of monthly allotments of barley or dates.

A = …-kin-aplu; B = Šamaš-zēru-iddin; C = Balāṭu

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd