Tablet YBC 03860

NaBuCCo ID 3594
Museum No. YBC 03860
CDLI P-Identifier P305218
Place of issue
Type and content Statement in court/Deposition
Period Each
Year BCE 527

Statement of Gimillu/Innin-šumu-ibni, oblate (širku) and person in charge of outstanding remainders (ša muḫḫi rēḫānu) of animals, to Nabû-mukīn-apli/Nādinu//Dābibī, bishop (šatammu) of Eanna. On VI-16-03 he had carried out an investigation with the paqūdu Ea-kurbanni, since a cow from the fold of Šūlāya/Arad-Innin had disappeared. They seized pieces of meat, possibly from the missing cow, from Ḫabaṣīru/Kalbāya. Ḫabaṣīru  is summoned by the temple assembly and declares that the meat was given to him by Balāṭu/Kiribtu from the kitchen (bīt ḫuršē) of the temple. Seven witnesses and Šamaš-zēru-iddin/Aḫulap-Innin//Ekur-zākir, the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 03-VI-19