Tablet YBC 04006

NaBuCCo ID 3585
Museum No. YBC 04006
CDLI P-Identifier P305318
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period Each
Year BCE 526

Questioning of a temple shepherd. Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti) of Eanna, questions the shepherd Bēl-šarru-uṣur/Aḫi-yālidu regarding the origin of 5 star-marked (kakkabtu) sheep, 1 ram and four ewes, previously belonging to another shepherd, Anu-šarru-uṣur/Šarru-ukīn. Bēl-šarru-uṣur states that they were entrusted to him three months earlier (VIII) by Bēl-iqīša/Ṣillāya together with 5 unbranded ewes. Bēl-iqīša declares that he received them as a creditor from Anu-šarru-uṣur seven months (IV) ago and swears that he entrusted them to Bēl-šarru-uṣur. Anu-šarru-uṣur in turn swears that the sheep gave birth in month XI. Seven witnesses and Arad-Marduk(/Marduk-šumu-iddin//Bēl-aplu-uṣur) and Itti-Marduk-balāṭu, the scribes.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 03-X-03