Tablet YBC 03759

NaBuCCo ID 3572
Museum No. YBC 03759
CDLI P-Identifier P305117
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period Each
Year BCE 528

Injunction to Arad-Bēl/Šarru-ukīn, chief herdsman (rab būli), to deliver lambs intended for the regular offerings of Ištar from the flocks under the control of his herdsmen (nāqidu). He has 10 days to bring the lambs of his flocks to Uruk and deliver them to Eanna. If he fails to do so, he will incur punishment (ḫīṭu) of the governor of Babylon and Transeuphrates, Gubaru. The order is witnessed by Nabû-mukīn-apli/Nādinu//Dābibī, bishop (šatammu) of Eanna. Three further witnesses and Nādinu/Bēl-aḫḫē-iqīša//Egibi, the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 02-XI-15