Tablet NBC 01161

NaBuCCo ID 3365
Museum No. NBC 01161
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps BIN 1 148

Administrative record of transfer. Dated.

Multiple transactions of different types: allocation of livestock that was taken in by the temple.

incoming: The Eanna temple received (mahāru, Stat.) from A, as general income (irbu), 1 young he-goat (gadû) that was previously entrusted (paqādu, Stat.) with C for (ana) pasture (rēˀû). Then, outgoing: B, the temple’s offering shepherd (rēˀi sattukku/ginû) handed it over (nadānu) to D.

A= Zēria/Bēl-šumu-iškun; B= Nabû-ušallim/Kudurru, offering shepherd (rēˀi sattukku/ginû); C= Nabû-ušallim; D= Balāssu/Ḫašdāya

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-IX-29