Tablet VAT 08500

NaBuCCo ID 3309
Museum No. VAT 08500
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps AnOr 9 08

Administrative record of transfer. Dated.

Single transaction with multiple entries: issue of dates for the salaries of temple personnel.

This large tablet lists various officials and individuals who received the last payment of their salary in dates at the end of 3 Nbn.

heading: the Eanna temple gave (nadānu, wr. sum-na) dates as the remainder (rēhtu) of the salaries (kurummatu) of intercalary Addar  (XIIb) 3 Nbn to the craftsmen and temple-serfs (širku) who are employed by the temple.


There follows a long list of individuals and officials (over 60 names are preserved), many of whom are temple-serfs, indicating for which month(s) they are receiving their dates. Most salaries are for months Addar (XII) and intercalary Addar (XIIb), but Šabāṭ (XI) and Nissan (I) are mentioned as well.

The following professions and titles are attested (most of which for multiple individuals): basket carrier (zābil kudurri), bowmen (qaštu), sailors (malāhu), the sailor in charge (ina muhhi) of the bitumen, the carpenters (nagāru) who make doors, goldsmiths, master-builders (arad ekalli), weavers (išparu),  washermen (ašlāku), launderers (pūṣāya), doorkeepers (atû), (the one) in charge of the works on the Akītu house (ša muhhi dulli ša Akīti), (the one) in charge of the lavatory (bīt musâti) (i.e. janitor), (the one) in charge of the firing of bricks (ṣarāpu ša agurri), leatherworkers (aškāpu), guards (maṣṣartu) of the storehouse (bīt makkūri), prisoners (ṣabtu) in charge of the kiln, stone cutters (purgallu), jewellers (kabšarru), bronze smiths (nappāh siparri), water drawers (dālû), (the ones) in charge of the straw, sick men (marṣu), (the one) in charge of the basket bearers (zābilu), (the one) in charge of the cash box (quppu), (the one) in charge of the cash box of the divine Urdimmu, men of the storehouse (bīt karê). 

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. 03-XII-dd