Tablet VAT 08517

NaBuCCo ID 3308
Museum No. VAT 08517
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps AnOr 9 09

Administrative record of transfer. Dated.

Single transaction with multiple entries:  issue of dates for payments to temple-serfs and holders of priestly rights in the temple.

Col. I: Heading: The Eanna temple gave (nadānu, wr. sum-na) dates, which are the property (makkūru) of Ištar of Uruk and Nanāya, from the fixed-rent (sūtu) that A (paid) for the year 4 Camb, to  (ša qātē) B1 and B2 for (ana) the prebendary payment (maššartu) and salaries (kurummatu) of the temple-serfs (širku), in the 2nd of Arahsamna (VIII) 5 Camb.


list: Names of 14 individuals (no titles/professions are mentioned).


(These) dates were given for salaries.


Col ii: Names of 4 ox feeders (mušākil alpi) of the royal oxen (ša šarri), 5 buyers (musahhiru) of the temple administrator (šatammu), 1 poultry keeper (rēˀi iṣṣuri), 1 launderer (pūṣāya), 1 chief of prison (rab bīt kīli), 1 name with no title/profession, 2 rab sikkati (military) officials,1 overseer of temple-serfs (rab širki), 1 stone cutter (purgallu), 1 man from […] (lúx-da-a-a), 2 men of the fold (qabuttu)(?), 2 master-builders (arad ekalli), 2 goldsmiths (kutimmu), 1 doorkeeper (atû),


Col iii: Names of 24 men, among them:  feeders of the royal oxen, craftsmen (mušallimānu), a felt-worker (sēpû), a reed-worker (atkuppu), a weaver (išpar birmi), a carpenter (nagāru), guards (maṣṣartu) of Eanna, washermen (ašlāku), shepherds (rēˀû) of the sacrificial sheep and goats, a poultry feeder (mušākil iṣṣuri), water drawers (dālû).


Col iv: Names of 6 men and 1 female, among them: a water drawer, the procession enterers from the Kiš gate (uncertain), smiths (nappāhu), fired-brick makers (ṣārip agguri), temple-serfs (širku) of the ploughmen (ikkaru), a water drawer working at the temple of Bēltia.


A= Nabû-bān-ahi/Rēmūt-Ea; B1= Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Tabnēa//Ur-Nanāya; B2= Šamaš-ahu-iddin/Bānia//Nabû-šarhi-ili

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 05-VII-2