Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 3279
- Museum No.
- YBC 07431
- CDLI P-Identifier
- Place of issue
- No place
- Type and Content
- Balanced accounts
- Archive
- Eanna temple
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- Each
- Year BCE
- None
- Editio princeps
- YOS 7
- Paraphrase
Audit of livestock for a single offering shepherd. Dated.
The tablet records a settlement of accounts (ēpeš nikkassu), done on the 30th of Ayyār (II) 1 Cyr, for the sacrificial sheep and goats (immeru sattukku) that were given (nadānu, Stat.) to A from (ultu) the 4th of [Ayyār (II) 15] Nbn, until the 22nd of Ayyār (II) 1 Cyr. LINE.
A’s debits are listed first (l. 5–12), then his credits (l. 13–26), the grand total (l. 27), and finally his balance (l. 28).
Debit: on the 22nd of Ayyār (II).15 Nbn, after the (previous) balancing of his account, A had 440 sheep left (rêhu) under his responsibility (ina pāni).
(He further received): 4856 young male sheep (parru) and 19 he-goats (urīṣu) from (ina qātē) the herdsmen (nāqidu); 1473 sheep from the sacrificial sheep of the bīt ridûti-storehouse and from the sheep of the royal offerings (niqû šarru), which A led away (abāku) from the shearing shed (bīt gizzu); 261 sheep from the general income (irbu); 6 sheep from the repayment (šullumtu) incumbent upon the scribes: the meaning of this last entry is partly uncl.
Total (napharu): 7036 sheep and 19 goats.
Credit: From which (ina libbi): 5800 sheep and goats, the remainder (of the animals) (rēhu) were set aside (parāsu, Stat.) for (ša) the daily offerings (sattukku) and the guqqû-offerings (in the period) from the 23rd of Ayyār (II) 15 (Nbn) until the end (qītu) of Ayyār (II), 1 Cyr; 96 sheep were sent (šapāru, Stat.) to Udannu for Nergal and the Lady-of-Uruk in years 15, 16, 17; 20 sheep in Addar (XII) of year 15 and 11 in Addar of year 16, total of 31, were sent (šapāru, Stat.) to the Ebabbar temple (of Larsa) on account (ana) of an interruption (baṭlu) (in the cult); 61 sheep and 17 goats forš hitpu-sacrifice are in the cattle and sheep stables (bīt alpi u ṣēnu); 140 sheep were transferred (no verb) to (ana) the fattening stables (bīt urê); 24 sheep were slaughtered (nakāsu) at the gates (bābu); 274 young female sheep (parratu) were given to the fold (qabuttu); 2 goats are for the table (paššūru) of(?) the corvée worker(s) (urāšu) of Larsa; a total of 6426 sheep and 19 goats were received (mahāru, Stat.) from A.
56 sheep, for the (upcoming) offerings on the 1st of Simān (III) 1 Cyr, were inspected (amāru, Stat.) as under the responsibility (ina pāni) of A; 334 carcasses were received (mahāru, Stat.) from him.
Grand total: 6816 sheep and 19 goats were received (mahāru, Stat.) from A.
A remainder (rēhu) of 220 sheep is under the responsibility (ina pāni) of A.
A= Šūzubu/Kudurru, known as an offering shepherd
- Transliteration
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- Cyr. 01-I-30
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Yuval Levavi, Kathleen Abraham (08/09/2023)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- None