Tablet AO 8571

NaBuCCo ID 3278
Museum No. AO 8571
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TCL 12 123

Multiple entry list of animals for the royal offerings. Dated.

This long text lists the oxen, sheep, goats, and birds set aside (parāsu, Stat.) for the royal offerings (niqû šarru) at the Eanna temple during the first six years of Nabonidus’s reign.

heading: Oxen, sheep, and goats, the royal offerings which were set aside at Eanna in years 1–6 of Nabonidus.


1 Nbn:

26th of Nisan (I): 16 oxen (alpu), x+160 mature sheep and goats (ṣēnu rabû), 80 pastured (šammu) sheep and goats, 6 geese (kurkû), 5 ducks (paspasu), 20 turtledoves (sukanninu), 70 doves (summu), 7 ostrich (lurmu) eggs (pelû), and 18 duck eggs. About half of the animals (detailed in the text) and all of the eggs were set aside (verb broken) for the offering of the king, and the rest were given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to the fattening stables (bīt urê).

5th of Addar (XII): 8 oxen, 330 mature sheep and goats, 78 pastured sheep and goats; of which (ina libbi), 6 mature sheep and goats, 6 pastured sheep and goats.

[x] of Addar (XII): 2 oxen, 1 […] sheep (or goat). […] 17 oxen? and 252 sheep and goats given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to the fattening stables (bīt urê) / alt. to the Eanna temple. -LINE-

2 Nbn:

16th of Nisan (I): 200 sheep and goats via (ina qātēA1 and A2, of which 192 sheep and goats were given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to the fattening stables, and 8 sheep and goat carcasses (pagru) to Eanna. -LINE-

3 Nbn:

13th of Nisan (I): 100 sheep and goats via B1 and B2, of which, 96 sheep and goats were given to the fattening stables and 4 sheep and goat carcasses to Eanna. 24 oxen, 303 mature sheep and goats, 78 pastured sheep and goats, 12 geese, 5 ducks, 40 turtledoves, 23 doves, 8 ostrich eggs were given to the Eanna temple for/are the royal offering of 3 Nbn, of which, 3 oxen, 12 mature sheep and goats, 26 pastured sheep and goats, 4 geese, 4 ducks, 18 turtledoves, 18 doves, 8 ostrich eggs were set aside (parāsu, Stat.) for Eanna and 21 oxen and 234 sheep and goats were given to the fattening stables. -LINE-

4 Nbn:

4th of Siman (III): 4 oxen, 110 sheep and goats, the royal offering, via C, of which 2 oxen and 18 sheep and goats were set aside.

Kislīm (IX): 260 sheep and goats via the rab ṣibti official. -LINE-

5 Nbn:

7th of Addar (XII): 2 oxen and 40 sheep and goats, the royal off, were set aside for Eanna. 260 sheep and goats (were given) via the rab ṣibti official to the fattening stables. -LINE-

6 Nbn:

[x] of Siman (III): 5 oxen and 60 sheep and goats, via D1.

Dûzu (IV): 40 sheep and goats via D2 and D4 sons of D4.

4th of Dûzu (IV): 20 sheep and goats (were given) via the official in charge of the cashbox (ša muhhi quppi) (to the fattening stables?), and 2 oxen and 20 sheep and goats were set aside for Eanna.

17th of Ulūl (VI): 2 oxen and 20 sheep and goats.

Tašrīt (VII): [x oxen?], 38 sheep and goats were set aside.

2nd of Arahsamna (VIII): […].

[x] of Kislīm (IX): 1 ox.

18th of Kislīm (IX): [x] oxen, 12 sheep and goats (were given) via D5, the courtier (ša rēši) (to the fattening stables?).

22nd of Šabāṭ (XI): 363 sheep and goats (were given) via the rab ṣibti official (to the fattening stables?), according to (ina) the written order (šipirtu) of the chief of accounts (rab nikkassi), which was delivered (našû) by D6 the alphabet scribe (sēpiru) in Addar (XII), i.e. later.

Animals set aside on the 4th of Addar (XII): 1 ox, 5 sheep and goats, 1 male lamb, D7; 130 (or 140) sheep and goats, D8, the royal resident (qīpu); 5 oxen, D9, the governor (bēl pihāti); 12 oxen, D10; 3 oxen, 10 sheep and goats, D11, the city governor (šākin ṭēmi); 90 sheep and goats, D12 and D13; 19 sheep and goats, [D14] the rab ṣibti official; 20 sheep and goats, the official in charge of the cashbox, 1 ox and 2 sheep and/or goats.

5th of Addar (XII): 1 ox and 3 sheep and goats were set aside.

7th of Addar (XII): 3 oxen and 10 sheep and goats were set aside.

22nd of Addar (XII):1 ox and 13 sheep and goats were set aside.

A1= Nabû-ahhē-bulliṭ; A2= Iddinu; B1= Eanna-šumu-ibni; B2= Iddinunu; C= Adad-nūrī; D1= Adad-nūrī; D2= Nabû-iqīša/Hanbanu, brother of D3; D3= Šamaš-abu-uṣur/Hanbanu, brother of D2; D4= Hanbanu, father of D2 and D3; D5= Ina-qāt-Bēl-šakin; D6= Nabû-mīti-bulliṭ, alphabet scribe (sēpiru); D7= Nabû-šarru-uṣur; D8= Gabbu-ilānu–šarru-uṣur, royal resident (qīpu); D9= Nergal-ēpuš, the governor (bēl pihāti); D10= Šuma-ukīn; D11= Ṣābia, city governor (šākin ṭēmi); D12= Ṣillāya; D13= Šamaš-ukīn; D14= […]

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. 06?-mm-dd