Tablet AO 10303

NaBuCCo ID 3247
Museum No. AO 10303
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Payments from ploughmen and sharecroppers. Undated.

The tablet records the accounts of four individuals who collected barley, spelt, and wheat. It is the fixed rent (sūtu) due from the (temple’s) ploughmen (ikkaru) and the temple’s shares (zittu) due from its sharecroppers (errēšu). All four are known from other texts as chief of ploughs (rab epinni).

Some of what they collected was left at their disposal and some was handed over to B to pay for transportation of the commodities to the temple.

* The multiple totals that add up the amounts of barley, spelt, and wheat are omitted below.  

Entry 1: A1 collected (esēru) 440;4.4 kor of barley, 11 kor of spelt, 0;3.4.3 kor of wheat of the fixed rent (sūtu) of the ploughmen (ikkaru) and the temple’s shares (zittu) due from the sharecroppers (errēšu). From this (ina libbi), 421;0.5 kor of barley, 24;0.3 kor of spelt and 0;2.3 kor of wheat are at the disposal (ina pāni) of B, for (ana) transportation (zabālu, wr. za-bé-lu) to Eanna. The remainder (rēhu) of 6;4.0.3 kor of barley is at the disposal of A1. This is apart (elat) from the later barley, which he would have collected (esēru) from (ina qātē) the ploughmen and the sharecroppers.

Entry 2: A2 collected 150;1.0.3 kor of barley and 10 kor of spelt, the fixed rent of the ploughmen and the shares due from the sharecroppers. This is apart from 6 kor of barley, which A2 took (našû) from (ina qātē) C, the sharecropper. From this, 136;3.2 kor of barley and 10 kor of spelt are at the disposal of B, for transportation. The remainder of 19;2.4.3 kor of barley is at the disposal of A2.

Entry 3: A3 collected 160;3.2 kor of barley, 3 kor of spelt, 2 kor of wheat of the fixed rent of the ploughmen and the shares due from the sharecroppers. It is at the disposal of B for transportation.

Entry 4: A4 collected 53;4 kor of barley of the fixed rent of the ploughmen and the shares due from the sharecroppers. From this, 36;0.5 kor of barley are at the disposal of B, for transportation, and the remainder of 17;3.1 kor is at the disposal of A4.



A1= Nāˀid-Ištar/Arad-Innin, known as rab epinni (see Janković 2013); A2= Šulāya, known as rab epinni (see Janković 2013); A3= Nādin, known as rab epinni (see Janković 2013); A4= Sukkāya, known as rab epinni (see Janković 2013); B= Nergal-ahu-iddin/Nabû-erība; C= Šamaš-šarru-uṣur, sharecropper (errēšu).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd