Tablet PTS 2076

NaBuCCo ID 3244
Museum No. PTS 2076
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Cadastral text. Undated. From internal evidence one may assume that the tablet was written in Cyrus’ 4th regnal year or later.

The tablet is a cadastral text that deals with urban agricultural properties and the areas just outside the city of Uruk. The details given are the location, size, and orientation of the
plots. Some entries also note the size of the land planted with date palms. Most entries do not specify ownership, and this information was probably in the (now lost) heading or colophon. Yet it is assumed that the text deals with properties of the Eanna temple (Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), 351).

The top part of the tablet is broken off, and an unknown number of lines are lost. The remaining text is structured in 13 sections separated by LINEs.

Section I: (fragmentary): [...] A [...] … eastern frontage on the Nār-Bānītu [...].-LINE-

Section II: Orchard (kirû), which B1 the prince gave to the Eanna: north: 1065 (cubits), next to [...]; [...]B2, and B3; west next to the royal highway (harrān šarri) of the Šamaš-gate [...]; total: 22+; of land, 9 kor of which are [planted]. -LINE-

Section III: “thousand”-field complexes (līmu) next to the Šamaš-gate on the city moat: west: 1425 (cubits) next to C1, the governor (šakin māti); east: 1425 (cubits) east flank next to C2; north: 550 (cubits) [next to ...]; south: 1420 (cubits) next to C3, the city governor (šākin ṭēmi), and next to a temple [plot]; total: ... (left blank). -LINE-

Section IV: Orchard to the left of Nār-Bānītu, at the disposal (ina pāni) of the two brothers D1 and D1, the freemen (mār banê): north: 133 (cubits) next to [a temple plot?]; south:[x] next to D3; east: [x] (cubits) Nār-Bānītu; [west]: 132 (cubits) [western] next to a temple plot; [total: x + 0;0.0.].1.2 kor of land in the ledger (lēˀu) of the freemen [...] at the Šamaš-gate, which is [registered (in the ledger)] for D4, the freemen. -LINE-

Section V: Orchard, gizzētu-orchard, part of the orchard of D1 and D2, opposite the highway of the Kanisurra-gate: west: 665 (cubits) next to E1, E2, next to temple land, next to E3, next to E4 (plots) which count to the property (makkūru) of the king, and next to an empty river; east: 700 (cubits) eastern flank next to E5; north: 130 (cubits) next to the empty river bed; (south): 132 (cubits) next to a temple plot at the disposal (ina pāni) of D1 and D2; total: ... (left blank). -LINE-

Section VI: Orchard of F1, on the lower Nār-Bānītu to the left: south: 838 (cubits) next to F2, which counts as the property of the king; (north): 865 (cubits) on Nār-Bānītu; west: 135 (cubits) next to F2, which counts as the property of the king; (east): 127.5 (cubits) next to F3 and his brothers;
total: ... (left blank), land of F1 and F4 which was confiscated for the property of Eanna in 15 Nbn instead of the cattle arrears (rēhu) of F5, father of F1, grandfather of F4. -LINE-

Section VII: [...] of G1: next to the hallatu-orchard at the disposal of G2, which is registered as the neighbour of the nakkandu-land of Ištar of Uruk, to be inquired into and registered;
next to E3, next to E2, and next to E4 (plots) which count as the property of the king;
next to the lower bank of the city moat, and next to the wall-street; next to E4, and E3;
the next fragmentary lines deal with the registration of these lands. -LINE-

Section  VIII: Orchard left of the Meslamtaea-gate, which the prince B1 gave to the Lady-of-Uruk: west: 450 (cubits) next to the wall; east: 350 (cubits) next to Nār-Lamassu; north: 270 (cubits) next to H1 (plot) which counts to the property of the king (and) next to H2, the Babylonian; south: 120 (cubits) next to 0;0.2 kor of land, the aškuttu-land, and 3 houses in which shepherds of the regular offerings (rēˀi ša ṣēnu sattukku) live; total: 1;, 0;4.2 of which is planted. -LINE-

Section IX: Orchard left of Ḫarru-ša-Nanāya; taken instead of cattle arrears from I1: (west): 310 (cubits) (next to) the wall-street; east: 160 (cubits) next to the houses of the Urukeans; north: 270 (cubits) next to aškuttu-land; south: 220 (cubits) next to I2; total: 1; of land, first measurement; + another plot of  0;1 kor; grand-total: 1;, of land, of which 0;4.4 of land are [planted].-LINE-

Section X: [...] which Assurbanipal, king of Assyria, took from the Urukeans and gave/return to Ninurta of Uruk [...].-LINE-

Section XI: Orchard, opposite (ana, uncl. see Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), 4021453) Uruk, to the right of Ḫarru-ša-Aškaˀītu: west: 165 (cubits) next to the houses of the Urukeans; east: [x] (cubits) next to the [narrow] street; north: 60 (cubits) next to the houses of the Urukeans; south: 45 (cubits) next to the houses of [the Urukeans?]; total: 0; planted land.-LINE-

Section XII: Orchard to the right of Ḫarru-ša-Aškaˀītu [...]: north: 190 (cubits) next to aškuttu-land; [south]: 200 (cubits) next to K1, property of the king and the house [ ...]; west: 150 (cubits) next to the narrow street which runs between [the orchards]; [east]: [x] (cubits) next to Ḫarru-ša-Aškaˀītu; total: 0;2.4.[∅], + another plot of [x] (cubits) of the aškuttu-land; grand total: 0;

Section XIII: (fragmentary): [Orchard] to the left of the Ninurta temple [...]; L1 [...]; [...] west: […] next to the wall-street [...] … (rest of the tablet broken off)


A= Gula-zēru-šubši; B1= Itti-Šamaš-balāṭu, prince (mār šarri); B2= Anu-[x]; B3= Nabû-[x]/Šu-[x]; C1= [x]-uṣur, governor (šakin māti); C2= Lâbāši/Mūranu; C3= [Imbia], city governor (šākin ṭēmi); D1= Anu-ahu-iddin/Šamaš-iddin (brother of D2), freemen (mār banê); D2= Šamaš-zēru-līšir/Šamaš-iddin (brother of D1), freemen; D3= Ba-[x ...]; D4= Bēl-īpuš, freemen; E1= Iqīša-Marduk/Arad-Gula; E2= Arad-Innin/Amīl-Nabû; E3= Anu-ahu-iddin/Nabû-balāssu-iqbi; E4= Arad-Innin/Bēl-iddin; E5= Balāṭu/Nabû-ēṭer;  F1= Nādin/Ištar-šumu-ēreš; F2= Ṣillāya/Bānia; F3= Šamaš-šumu-līšir/Silim-Bēl/Šumu-ukīn (//Basia); F4= Šulāya/Ahulap-Ištar; F5= Ištar-šumu-ēreš, father of F1; G1= Ina-qāt-[x]/Bēl-abu-uṣur; G2= Šamaš-iddin/Bēl-īpuš; H1= Arrabu/Bēl-usāt; H2= Bēl-kēšir/Marduk-zēru-ibni, a Babylonian; I1= Nanāya-ēreš/Nabû-ušallim; I2= Bēl-ahhē-iqīša/Nabû-bēl-šumāti/Sîn-tabni; K= …/Marduk-šumu-ibni; L1= [...]-ahhē-iddin//Šigūa

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd