Tablet YBC 03928

NaBuCCo ID 3225
Museum No. YBC 03928
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Kozuh 2014 160

Obligation under oath to deliver livestock to the temple. Penalty in case of default.

The tablet lays out the obligation, which is phrased in direct speech, of 3 herdsmen (nāqidu) to deliver male lambs (kalūmu) to the Eanna temple in consecutive months.

A1, A2, and A3, herdsmen of the Lady-of-Uruk, swear (tamû) by Bēl, Nabû, and the adê-oath of the king to B1, the temple administrator (šatammu), and B2, the royal supervisor (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti) of Eanna, that they will bring in (abāku) a total of 300 male lambs from their fold (qabuttu) and give (nadānu) them for (the preparation of) the daily offerings (sattukku) of the Lady-of-Uruk: 200 male lambs by (adi) the 1st of Tašrīt (VII), and 100 male lambs by the end (qītu) of Arahsamna (VIII).

If they will not deliver the lambs in their due date (adānu), they will bear (šadādu) the punishment (hīṭu) of C, governor (pīhātu) of Babylon and Across-the-River.

The tablet is drafted in the presence (ina ušuzzu) of B1, the temple administrator, and B2 the royal supervisor + witnesses (mukinnu): D14 and the scribe (ṭupšarru) E.


A1= Innin-šumu-uṣur/Ibnāya; A2= Anu-bān-ahi/Šulāya; A3= Balāṭu/Rēmūt; B1= Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Nādin//Dābibī, temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna; B2= Nabû-ahu-iddin, royal supervisor of the Eanna (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti Eanna); C= Gabarû, governor (pīhātu) of Babylon and Across-the-River; D1= Arad-Marduk/Zēria//Egibi; D2= Sîn-Ēreš/Nabû-šumu-līšir//Ibni-ili; D3= Šamaš-mukīn-apli/Madān-ahhē-iddin//Šigūa; D4= Marduk-šumu-ibni/Bēl-ahu-šubši//Amīl-Ea; E= Marduk-nāṣir//Šigūa, scribe (ṭupšarru)

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 03-V-15