Tablet AO 10270

NaBuCCo ID 3215
Museum No. AO 10270
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TCL 13 150

Obligation to deliver ploughmen for corvée work. Penalty in case of default.

The tablet lays out the obligation of A to levy (dekû) 10 equipped (šuršudu) corvée workers (urāšu) from among (ša) the ploughmen (ikkaru!) under his responsibility (ṣābu qātē).

Once he will have received the (written) message from B, the rent farmer (ša muhhi sūti) of Nār-Piqūdu, A will deliver those men to Ḫarri-kibbi. Failing to do so, he will bear the punishment of (hīṭu ša) C, the governor (pīhātu) of Babylon and Across-the-river.

Names of 2 witnesses and a scribe.


A= Agria/Nabû-dalā, a known chief of ploughman and a temple-serf of Eanna; B= Nabû-balāṭu-šarri-iqbi, rent farmer (ša muhhi sūti) of Nār-Piqūdu; C= Gūbaru, governor (pīhātu) of Babylon and Across-the-river.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 02-III-14