Tablet BM 75534

NaBuCCo ID 3210
Museum No. BM 75534
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Cyr. 126

Obligation of serfs released from temple service to go and dig a well on behalf of the canal inspectors. Penalty in case of default.

A, the chief priest (šangû) of Sippar released (muššuru, wr. uš-šu-ru-ma) B1 and B2, temple-serfs (širku) of Šamaš, and gave (kalāmu D, Pret.) them to [C1] and C2, the canal inspectors* (gugallu) in charge of the [farmers] and the gardeners of Šamaš. They should dig (herû)12 wells (burtu) of 15 qānu (≈ 52.5 m.) from Addar (XII) until Abu (V) of year 4 … (fragmentary). If they (B1-2) will not do it (epēšu), they (C1-2 ?) will deliver 0;0.4 kor (24 l.) of dates to (the temple of) Šamaš as compensation payment (mandattu) for the temple's loss of income due to the serfs' absence. Note that the document is written about 4 months in advance, on the 8th of Tašrīt (VII) of year 3.

The last part may refer to the daily work but the text is fragmentary.

Names of 3 witnesses and a scribe.

(*) gugallu “canal inspector”, or “agricultural supervisor”.


A= Marduk-šumu-iddin, chief priest (šangû) of Sippar; B1= Bunene-rēˀûa, temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš; B2= Itti-makû-ilī, temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš; C1= […], canal inspector (gugallu) in charge of the [farmers] and the gardeners of Šamaš; C2= Rēmūt, canal inspector (gugallu) in charge of the [farmers] and the gardeners of Šamaš.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 03-VII-8