Tablet PTS 2312

NaBuCCo ID 3187
Museum No. PTS 2312
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Debt note for impost in sesame.

A owes (ina muhhi) a total of 65;2.3 kor of sesame to the temple. It is the impost (imittu) that he has to collect from the ploughmen (ikkaru) as their sūtu-obligation*. The sesame is the property (makkūru) of the Lady-of-Uruk and Nanāya and part of (ina) the rent farm (sūtu) of B, the royal supervisor (bēl piqitti), (who had leased the license to collect rent on behalf of the temple). The imposts are for two entries/outlets (bābu), and are made up of: 28;2.3 kor of sesame from C1, 18 kor from C2, 14 kor from A, 4 kor from C3.

A will deliver the sesame to Eanna in Arahsamna (VIII) using the measure (mašīhu) of the Lady-of-Uruk.

This is apart (elat) from the debt notes of the sharecroppers (errēšu) which are charged against him (ina muhhi).

Names of 3 witnesses and a scribe.

* For the seemingly contradictory estimated impost (imittu) and fixed rent (sūtu), see Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), 52f.

A= Silim-Bēl/Aplāya, ploughman (ikkaru); B= Šumu-ukīn/Bēl-zēri//Basia, royal supervisor (bēl piqitti) and a known rent farmer (see Janković/Hackl/Jursa 2011); C1= Nabû-ahhē-šullim, ploughman (ikkaru); C2= Nanāya-ahu-iddin, ploughman (ikkaru); C3= Šarāˀ-il, ploughman (ikkaru).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ner. 01-VII-10