Tablet NBC 01232

NaBuCCo ID 3164
Museum No. NBC 01232
CDLI P-Identifier P297138
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps BIN 2 109

Receipt for partial payment of a barley debt (paid in silver). 

A1 and A2 owe (ina muhhi) 700 kor of barley to C, the palace scribe (ṭupšar ekalli), for his land (qaqqaru) in Ḫarrubat.

From (ina libbi) this debt note (uˀiltu), A1 [gave to]* D, the steward (rab bīti) of C, 5 minas of silver, the equivalent (šīmu) of 580 kor of barley.*

Names of 3 witnesses and a scribe.

 * This course of events is slightly reconstructed, but fairly certain in light of the receipt for silver/barley, PTS 2046 (see Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), 3911434) .

 A1= Šumu-ukīn/Bēl-zēri//Basia, known as a royal supervisor and a rent farmer; A2= Ṣillāya/Sîn-ibni; C= Šamaš-šarru-uṣur, palace scribe (ṭupšar ekalli); D= Bēl-eṭranni, steward (rab bīti) of Šamaš-šarru-uṣur, palace scribe (= C).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): AM. 0a-VII-20