Tablet BM 64026

NaBuCCo ID 3126
Museum No. BM 64026
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Statement in court/Deposition
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Iraq 64 (2002), 217-236 12

Registration of a child as a temple-serf in the registry of the Ebabbar temple.

fA, a musician (nârtu), gave birth to B while serving as a musician (ina nârūti). Her mother, fC1, a female temple-serf (širkātu), wife of C2, a ploughman (ikkaru) of Šamaš, hid (pašānu) the baby from (lapāni) D, the chief priest (šangû) of Sippar and from the scribes of Sippar.

Later (arku), in 6 Cyr, fC1 confirmed (qabû) that B is the son of fA, her daughter. He is a temple-serf (širku) of Šamaš, and thus should be entered (erēbu) in the registry (lēˀu) of Šamaš.

The chief priest and the scribes of Sippar listened (šemû) to fC1 and registered (šaṭāru) B as fA’s son.

Names of 5 witnesses and the scribe.


fA= fSuduštu/fZittāya (=fC1), a musician (nârtu), mother of Ubariya (= B); B= Ubariya/fSuduštu (= fA); fC1= fZittāya, female temple-serf (širkātu), wife of Etēru (= C2), mother of fSuduštu (= fA); C2= Etēru, a ploughman (ikkaru) of Šamaš, husband of fZittāya (= fC1); D= Marduk-šumu-iddin, chief priest (šangû) of Sippar

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 06-X-7