Tablet PTS 2134

NaBuCCo ID 3113
Museum No. PTS 2134
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Land lease for planting grapevines on temple land on a sharecropping basis. Dialogue document.

A comes (alāku) before (ana pāniB, the royal resident (qīpu) of Eanna and asks (qabû) him to give him (nadānu, wr. bīnamma) a plot (zēru) of bīt ritti-land from (ina) the land (qaqqaru) of the Lady-of-Uruk in the region (ina muhhi) of Ḫarru-ša-Nadnāya. (He will accept) any land in front (pānat) of the plots of the (other) planters (zāqipānu, who were already active in the area) as long as it is suitable (ṭābu) for (ana) planting (zaqāpu) grapevines (karānu).

agrees (šemû, lit. listens) to give A bīt ritti-land on the Ḫarru-ša-Nadnāya, where (ašar) there are no (iānu) date palms, in return for a half-share (ahi zitti) of the yield that A could enjoy (akālu, the other half is for the temple).

Names of 7 witnesses and the scribe.

A= Abnā/Addu-mād; B= Sîn-iddin, royal resident (qīpu) of Eanna.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 43-IV-17