Tablet HS 476

NaBuCCo ID 2846
Museum No. HS 476
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Each
Year BCE 537
Editio princeps TMH 2/3 32
Paraphrase Lease of vats: 4 empty old vats belonging to A are at the disposal of (ina pāni) B. The lessee will give the vats back in Abu (V). The lessor already received half (ahu) of the rent (idū) for the vats. 1 witness and the scribe.
A = Nuhānu, qallu (slave) of Mušēzib-Bēl//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni; B = Nabû-mukīn-apli/Nabû-mukīn-zēri//Huṣābu; Scribe = Iddin-Nabû//Nabû-tabni-uṣur//Kidin-Sîn
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. yy-I-dd