Tablet HS 556

NaBuCCo ID 2702
Museum No. HS 556
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period NB
Year BCE 562
Editio princeps TMH 2/3 112
Paraphrase Loan of silver: B1 and fB2 owe A 1 ½ shekels of silver together with (adi) the silver of the sesame. B1 will perform the work (dullu epēšu) of A and A will give bread to B1. Each month the claim (rašûtu) due from (ina muhhi) B will diminish (maqātu Š-stem) by 1 shekel of silver until A is paid (eṭēru N-stem). fB2, mother of B1, guarantees (pūtu našû) for B1. B1 guarantees for paying off (eṭēru) the silver and the sesame, which originally was the claim of A due from C. 3 witnesses and the scribe. In addition (elat) B1 and C will give 10 loads of palm-frond ribs (huṣābu).
A = Zēr-Bābili/Šumāya//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni, ērib bīt Nabû (temple enterer of Nabû); B1 = Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Nabû-zēru-iddin//Kidin-Nanāya; fB2 = fBābu-ēṭirat, mother of B1; C = Nabû-nā’id/Iddin-Nunu//Šangû-Nabû; Scribe = Ezida-šumu-ibni/Arad-Nabû//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-XI-dd