Tablet BM 33077

NaBuCCo ID 2081
Museum No. BM 33077
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Letter
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps CT 22 074
Paraphrase Letter concerning soldiers and troops. The Governor of Babylon complains to the head of the Egibi family about his unloyal handling of their recruitment.
A (who has no title but may be identified with the Governor of Babylon) accuses B of having lied to him (pirṣāti dabābu) by telling him that C, the charioteer (mār sīsê), and A’s auxiliary charioteer troops (tašlīšu) are enlisted (šaṭāru) with B. If so, they should have been ready available. However, the Commander of the Citadel (rab dūri) came to A and withheld (kalû) C and all the charioteers from doing reserve(?) service (kutallu) for A. They have been taken away (abāku). B should have defended A’s interests before the Commander (pî šakānu) but instead made common cause with him and transferred A’s (military) resources to himself (nikkassu našû). After the accusations follow the instructions. A orders B to write a letter to the town of Danipinu in the Sealand concerning C, who has in the meantime been appointed at the head of a fleet, and is apparently moving his troops to the south. The letter should contain the following message: The charioteers, auxiliary troops and citizen-soldiers (mār bānê) should not be released (muššuru) to C and he should be stopped from raising improper claims (pirṣātu dabābu) against my soldiers (ṣābū) with the Commander of the Fortress. B should talk to D and muster (našû) other soldiers instead of the soldiers which the Commander withheld. The soldiers of the gardu-workers about whom A instructed B (ṭēmu šakānu), should be allowed to go (paṭāru D). B will have at his disposal (ina pāni) the guards (maṣṣāru) at the gates and all the charioteers as well as the troops from Bīt-Dakkuru who are stationed (wašābu) in Babylon, so that he should not interfere with the troops of A’s chariot-property (bīt narkabti). The burden (baganu) of the King lies on (ina muhhí) B.

A=Gūzānu/Nabû-šumu-ukīn//Ša-nāšīšu; B=Širku (=?Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi); C=Libluṭ, (mār sīsê); D=Atkal-ana mār-Esagil/Sîn-bēlu-uṣur, (ša rēš šarri)
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): no king. yy---dd