Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 1893
- Museum No.
- VAT 466
- CDLI P-Identifier
- Place of issue
- None
- Type and Content
- Memorandum (taẖsistu ana la mašê)
- Archive
- Nappāhu
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- Year BCE
- None
- Editio princeps
- VS 3
- Paraphrase
- Memorandum for the receipt of barley: A receives from C 0;4.1 kor of barley owed by B. (No witnesses or scribe given).
A = Iddināya; B = Qīštia; C = Bēl-kāṣir
- Transliteration
- None
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- -. yy---dd
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Matthias Adelhofer (21/02/17)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- 8387