Tablet BM 30350

NaBuCCo ID 1148
Museum No. BM 30350
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Security for debt
Period NB
Year BCE 582
Editio princeps Nbk. 133
Paraphrase Security for a silver debt.
B owes 3 minas and 14 shekels of silver to A. He secures this debt in various ways. First he pledges a house that he himself took from C in antichresis (ana maškanūti ṣabātu). So, this is a case of after-pledge (German: Unterverpfandung). As extra security, he gives A the document recording C's debt (adi u'ilti) and the warranties it includes (pūt našû). Further he agrees to pay 2 ¼ shekels of silver as rent for the house to A from the 1st of Šabāṭu (XI) of the 12th year onwards and till the debt is fully repaid. Most likely, the rent guarantees that B can continue living in the house. Finally, he pledges fD, his slave-cook (MU qallu) and his entire property in and outside of the city. No other creditor shall exercise any rights over the pledged person and objects until A has received the full repayment of the debt. Eventually, B's son took over the debt (BM31052 = Nbk. 142) and its final settlement occured 4 ½ years after the current document (BM30348 = Nbk. 172). Names of xxx witnesses and the scribe.
A = Nergal-uballiṭ/Išum-uballiṭ//Bēl-ēṭiru; B = Šulāya/Nabû-zēru-ukīn//Egibi; C = (Marduk-)Šāpik-zēri/Marduk-zēru-ibni//Šangû -Ninurta; fD = fIna-ṣilli-Bēl, cook (MU) and slave (qallu) of B
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-X-dd