Tablet Ash. 1924.491

NaBuCCo ID 983
Museum No. Ash. 1924.491
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period ENB
Year BCE 675
Editio princeps OECT 10 396
Paraphrase Settlement of a dispute: A litigates against B about land at the Lagamal Canal (Harru-ša-Lagamal) which his father has purchased against silver. B will have to pay 7 shekels of silver. A won’t file another suit against B. Curse formula. 2 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Lâbâši/Basi; B = Lâbâši//Šangû-Dilbat; Scribe = Rēmūt-Nabû/Isināya
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Esar. yy-X-dd