Tablet UM 52-30-6

NaBuCCo ID 982
Museum No. UM 52-30-6
CDLI P-Identifier P414704
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps UET 4 8
Paraphrase Dialogue document concerning the purchase of a house: B approaches A and asks him to buy his house so that he is able to maintain (akālu) himself and pay off (šalāmu) his creditors (rāšû). A grants this request and weighs out and pays (hâṭu-nadānu) to B 1 1/3 minas and 3 shekels of silver for the offered house. The sold house is located in the district of … (lost) inside of Babylon. Its upper side borders on a wide alleyway (sulû rabû) and its lower side on (the property of) C1. Its upper front borders on a narrow street (sūqu qatnu) and its lower front on (the property of) C2. The transaction is concluded in the presence of (ina ušuzzi) the governor (šākin ṭēmi) of Ur (Nabû-rēši-išši) and the priest (šangû) of Ur (Balāssu). 5 witnesses and the scribe, also identified as the writer of the sealed tablet (šāṭir kunukki).
A = Rēmūtu//Dummuqu; B = Ibāya//Balāssu; C1 = Bēl-iddin//Aplāya; C2 = Amēl-Šamaš; Scribe = Nabû-zēru-[…]//[…]-na’id
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd