Tablet BM 33537

NaBuCCo ID 942
Museum No. BM 33537
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 648
Editio princeps 8 Congr. 6
Paraphrase Purchase of property including a ruined house: A purchases land, including a passage (mūṣû) and a ruined house (bītu abtu), for 39 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu), together with an additional payment (atru) of 1 shekel of silver, from B. The sold property is located in the district (erṣetu) of Tuba inside of Babylon.  The first property measures 24 19/24 cubits (c. 12.8 m) x 14 cubits (c. 7 m), comprising an area of 343 square cubits and 2,352 square fingers (c. 81.75 m2). Its upper side (in the west) borders on the house of C1 and its lower side (in the east) on the house of C2. Its upper front (in the north) borders on the house of C3 and its lower front (in the south) on the plot of land within a measured area (libbū eqli). The second property measures 8 cubits (4 m) – upper side, 7 1/6 cubits (c. 3.6 m) – lower side, 5 3/4 cubits (c. 2.9 m) – upper front, and 6 cubits (c. 3 m) – lower front, comprising an area of 42 square cubits 3,360 square fingers (c. 12 m2). Its upper side (in the west) borders on the house(s) of C1 and C4 and its lower side (in the east) on the plot of land within a measured area. Its upper front (in the north) borders on the house of C3 and its lower front (in the south) on the house of C1. The passage (mūṣû) borders on the house of C1. It measures 8 cubits (c. 4 m) x 2.5 cubits (1.25 m). In sum the sold property covers an area of 406 square cubits and 3,360 square fingers (c. 103 m2). 10 witnesses and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the seller. At the time this document was written, the enemy was encamped (nadû Stat.) against Babylon and famine (sunqu) was in the land – on the black market (ina puzri, lit. secretly) the price (mahīru) for 0;0.0.3 kor (3 l) barley was 1 shekel of silver.
A = Ubāru//Šumu-libši; B = Kunāya//Adad-šumu-ēreš; C1 = Dummuqu//Rēmūt-Ea; C2 = Bēl-ēṭir//ALAM.KA; C3 = Gilūa//Itinnu; C4 = Lâbâši//Nabûtu; Scribe = Nabû-[…]//[…]
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-II-dd