Tablet A 3658

NaBuCCo ID 939
Museum No. A 3658
CDLI P-Identifier P480297
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 639
Editio princeps OIP 122 6
Paraphrase Purchase of a ruined house: A purchases from B a ruined house (bītu abtu) for 1 mina and 12 shekels of silver in pieces (šibirtu), together with an additional payment (atru) of 2 shekels of silver. The sold house is located in the district (erṣetu) of the Canal of Urkayītu (Harru-ša-Urkayītu) inside of Uruk. Its upper side (in the north) borders on the narrow street (sūqu qatnu) and its lower side (in the south) on the house of C1. Its upper front (in the west) borders on the thoroughfare (mūtaqu) of the god and the king and its lower front (in the east) on the house of C2. The transaction is concluded in the presence of (ina ušuzzi) the royal resident (qīpu) of Uruk and Eanna (Šamaš-ilūa). 13 witnesses (including Bēl-ušallim and Ṣillāya, two other sons of Bēl-šumu-iškun, and Šumu-iddin, another son of Ša-Nabû-šū) and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the seller.
A = Nadna-Marduk/Bēl-šumu-iškun//Eṭēru; B = Ṣillāya/Nazia; C1 = Iqīšāya/Ša-Nabû-šū; C2 = Ahhēa/Bēl-rēmanni; Scribe = Marduk-šumu-uṣur/Zēr-Bābili
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. yy-V-dd