Tablet BM 92999

NaBuCCo ID 817
Museum No. BM 92999
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period ENB
Year BCE 654
Editio princeps Budge, ZA 3 5
Paraphrase Settlement of a dispute concerning land: A starts a lawsuit (dīnu gerû) against B concerning the dimensions of the field of Bīt-Ibuni before C. According to A this field does not reach from Dukkuindu to the lowland (ušallu) of the Gubbatu Canal. After it has been decided that both have to go to the ordeal (huršānu), B brings and hands over (našû-nadānu) ½ mina and 3 shekels of silver to A. A voluntarily (ina hūd libbišu) gives a sealed tablet to B in which he promises not to return to this issue and litigate against him again. 5 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Ša-Nabû-šû; B = Munnabittu; C = Bēl-lē’i, governor (šākin ṭēmi) of Babylon; Scribe = Balāssu//Bēl-ēṭir
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-VII-dd