Tablet Ash. 1924.486

NaBuCCo ID 633
Museum No. Ash. 1924.486
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 701
Editio princeps OECT 10 391
Paraphrase Purchase of a garden: A purchases a garden for 24.5 shekels of silver from B. The sold garden forms part of the hanšû-land of C. It borders on the Lagamal Canal (Harru-ša-Lagamal) and the royal road (harrān šarri) as well as on the properties of D1 and D2. 2 witnesses and the scribe, also described as writers of the sealed tablet (šāṭir kunukki). This is a retroact for Marduk-šāpik-zēri//Egibi.
A = Mukīn-zēri//Basia; B = Uraš-lēˀi//Šāpiku; C = Iddina//Zākiru; D1 = Ubār/Uraš-iddin; D2 = Ammēni-ilī/Nanāya; Scribe = Rēmūtu/Uraš-ibni
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Bēl-Ibni. yy-VI-dd