Tablet BM 31244

NaBuCCo ID 481
Museum No. BM 31244
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period NB
Year BCE 560
Editio princeps EvM 14
Paraphrase Receipt of silver. Purchase price of building plots, with transfer of (part of) the silver to the seller’s creditor.
Concerns two building plots (qanû) which A purchased (ana kaspi nadānu) from respectively B1 and B2, and his payment of the purchase price by proxy. The first plot measures 4;0.1.6 gi (c. xxx m2) and was sold for the agreed price (šīmu gamru) of 2 ½ minas and 1 ½ shekels of silver and unspecified amounts of an additional payment (atru) and lubāru-garments. The second plot measures 2;0.6 2/3.0 gi  (c. xxx m2) and was sold for the agreed price (šīmu gamru) of 1 2/3 minas and 7 1 ½ shekels of silver. In the present document the sellers acknowledge their receipt (eṭēru) of the above mentioned sums of silver from C who acts on the buyer’s order (ina našparti). Names of 4 witnesses and the scribe.

A = Neriglissar/Bēl-šumu-iškun; B1 = Marduk-šākin-šumi/Marduk-šumu-uṣur//Šigûa; B2 = Kurbanni-Marduk/Šūzibu//Andahar; C = Nabû-ahhē-iddin/Šulāya//Egibi
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): AM. yy-X-dd